DSK BIRM 0044 ©Edmund Sumner 034 scaled gallery top 2 048 scaled 036 008 scaled 016 scaled 006 scaled 003 scaled 005 scaled 130 129 125 112 123 111 109 107 102 101 099 2d to 3D 2007 08020046 orig 2008 04110011 orig Acrylic Table Top with Spiral Detail of Trumpet Torus Boyse One Sided Surface Boyse One Sided Surface1 Corrugated Sine Cone Model Crescrent Dome Cross Cap Cubic Currguated Sine Cone Drawing Cycloid Wave Deltoid Inversion Double Inversion of a Cardoid Double Inversion of a Cardoid dpp 0001 orig dscf1342 orig Elliptic Cyclinder Elliptic Cyclinder Flute George Model Flute Pick Original Helipad img 0065 copy orig img 0103 orig img 0232 orig img 0254 orig img 6652 1 orig img 6667 1 orig img 6671 1 orig img 6689 orig img 6696 orig img 6700 orig Inverted Torus I Spiral Klein Bottle Licht Lucifers Fuse Box Model 1 Model 1 Model 1 V2 Moibus Strips Nephroid 2 Open Air Catherdral with Flemish Tower Penetration Punctured Sphere Sine Stream Stereographic Tiling with Apertures Suspended Cross cap Skin The Mirror The Mirror B W The Wave Tower with Inverted Cross Cap Trumpet Torus unknown Vertical Sail wood spiral wp 20150607 12 30 27 pro orig wp 20160429 15 45 21 pro orig wp 20160623 15 26 43 pro orig wp 20160725 10 22 53 pro li orig